There are endless competitions and online draws found on the internet. Many competitions have very less entries so you actually have a good chance of winning. Also, if you regularly enter completions you will, over time, pick up free goodies. It is estimated in order to start winning prizes; you should enter about 30 competitions a week. There are many factors that can influence the chances of winning, some are:
- The size of the promotion
- Availability of qualifier
- The time allotted to the completion
- The difficulty of the competition
Bigger Prizes
You are more likely to win competitions where you have to make more effort in entering, or that require a specific skill. For example, if you have to send a postcard, or fill in a long online form, as less people will be spending the time and effort in doing this. Perhaps a quiz requires specific knowledge, which most people will not have the time or motivation to find the answers out for.
Watch out for Scams
Sometimes companies will lure into attending a sales event or meeting with sales people. If you do decide to attend, make sure that you check all the details before agreeing to any deals.
Prize draws and tiebreakers are always worth entering as, by law, they have to give out the prizes that they offer, unlike instant wins, which must only make the prizes available to win.
It is important to remain patient, and keep persevering, sometimes it can take up to months for entries to build up, or at times the closing date could be set for a much later date. Ultimately, the more effort that you put in, the luckier that you’ll be Many compers have stories where they have won 5* holidays, tickets to concerts, money, vouchers etc, which proves that you have to be in it to win it.
In general, it pays to be patient. It can take up to six months to build up your entries (think about the competitions with closing dates in six months to a year’s time). Even then, remember the odds of the competitions you have entered. Just keep persevering and hopefully after a few months you should start to see the fruits of your labour. And remember, you have got to be in it, to win it!
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